Signing a divorce, marriage dissolution documents and agreement. Wife and husband hands, wedding rings and legal papers for signature on a wooden table, lawyer office

Post-Separation Support vs Alimony in North Carolina

If you’re considering separating from your spouse, things can get quite overwhelming–especially when financial support becomes a central issue. You may be wondering if you qualify for separation support or alimony in North Carolina. The short answer is–it depends. But don’t worry, our North Carolina family law attorneys are here...
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African American teenage woman using a smartphone ,Laptop with Icon communication network social media network pop notification concept.

Can Social Media Be Used in a Divorce Case?

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and other social media sites are widely used and have become an embedded aspect of modern society. However, it's crucial to remember that social media can also be used in divorce cases. If you’re involved in a divorce or considering getting divorced, it’s important to...
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