The primary difference between an uncontested divorce and a contested divorce is cooperation between the parties. Another significant difference is the time it takes to obtain each type of divorce in North Carolina. Our North Carolina family law attorneys assist clients with contested and uncontested divorces. This guide to uncontested and...
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Is Divorce Mediation the Solution for You? Weighing the Pros and Cons
Divorce can be a tough and emotional journey, but there are options that can help make it more bearable. One such option is divorce mediation, which can often be more affordable and less adversarial than traditional divorce proceedings.
To determine if divorce mediation is the best choice for you,...
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Overcoming Divorce Obstacles: What to Do When Your Spouse Refuses to Cooperate
Divorce is a rough road to travel, especially when your spouse just won't cooperate. This can lead to a tangled web of legal and emotional challenges. Our North Carolina divorce attorneys are here to help you untangle those knots by discussing various approaches to handling an uncooperative spouse during divorce. Let’s...
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What is Considered Marital Misconduct?
There are many different acts that can constitute marital misconduct in North Carolina. Usually, allegations of marital misconduct only arise in the context of a divorce or an action for alimony without divorce.
A North Carolina family law firm could represent you if you are alleging marital misconduct...
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Consequences of Hiding Assets in Divorce
It can be tempting to hide assets if a marriage becomes rocky and a person is worried about the future or feels that they unfairly had to do most of the income production during the marriage. There are, however, severe repercussions if a person tries to hide money or property during a...
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What Should I Do if I Got Hurt in a Car Accident and Can’t Pay Child Support?
If you have a court or administrative order establishing your obligation to pay child support, you will be responsible for paying that amount, even when circumstances change drastically. You will need to be proactive about your child support obligation if something happens that makes it impossible for you to pay support.
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What to Do When a Spouse Refuses to Move Out During a Divorce?
Going through a divorce can be a difficult and emotionally taxing experience, and the situation can be made even more complicated when a spouse refuses to move out of the shared home. A North Carolina family law attorney understands the frustration and stress that this can cause, and we are here...
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The Legal Process of Getting a Marriage Annulled in North Carolina
Getting an annulment is similar to getting a divorce in North Carolina, but there are some significant differences. You will have to file a lawsuit in court and convince the judge that you qualify for an annulment. Depending on the facts of your situation, it can be much more challenging to get...
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Child Support: How It’s Calculated and Enforced
People usually want to know two primary things about child support – how much they will get (or have to pay) and how the child support obligation will get enforced. In other words, what will happen if the child support does not get paid?
You can talk to...
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What are the Chances of Getting 50/50 Custody?
The likelihood of getting 50/50 custody of your minor child in a divorce will depend on many different factors. Of course, it would be best if you can agree with the child’s other parent on a 50/50 custody arrangement. When the parents cannot agree on the custody arrangements, the court is unlikely...
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